Environmental Stewardship at TLS
As the beneficiaries of a breathtaking 12.5-acre campus, we have a natural lab for learning. Our students reap the magic of campus daily, playing in the wilds of the forest, investigating life science in real time and letting the peace of the environment be an oasis for childhood.
Because we get so much from the natural world that surrounds us, we take seriously the responsibility to care for it and the larger world.
The Benefits of an Environmental Education Program
The Little School’s Environmental Education program fosters meaningful connections between children and the natural world that inspire lifelong commitments to community and environmental stewardship. By encouraging care of our local socio-ecological systems, students are empowered to see themselves as leaders for positive change in their own communities and beyond.
Our forest and gardens heavily inform this place-based program, providing students with a multitude of hands-on experiences that shape their learning. From planting, harvesting, and cooking garden veggies to studying tracks and signs left behind by local mammal species in the forest, our campus guides students’ natural curiosity towards environmental connection and care.
Our Mission Aligned Commitment
TLS Land Acknowledgement
This statement was written by TLS Green Team students and faculty advisors.
Stewardship in our Community
Student Green Team
Green Team Mission
The Little School empowers students as environmental stewards who feel an innate sense of responsibility to care for the earth, and who take action to break the cycle of environmental misuse in their communities and in the world.
TLS champions action to make demonstrable change in how we as humans steward the environment - for our students, for our community, for educational institutions around the world.
Our Flora and Fauna
Information About Our Trees
Wildlife on Campus
Flying Squirrel
Sustainable Building Practices
Solar Power
The roof of our new library will be covered with a photovoltaic array to provide electricity to the building.
Water Use Reduction
Grey water for the toilets in the main bathroom of the Rivers Building is supplied by a large cistern adjacent to the building. Rain water is collected on the southeast corner of the roof to replenish the reserves in the cistern.
Connect with us
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about supporting environmental stewardship at The Little School, please contact:
Jessie Ryan, Environmental Education Specialist - jessier@thelittleschool.org
Ginger Goble-Van Diest, Director of Facilities and Land Stewardship - gingerg@thelittleschool.org
Libby Singer, Director of Development and Communications - libbys@thelittleschool.org