Strategic Plan
Over the 2021-2022 school year, TLS’ community dreamt together about the school’s future.
- How will we continue to cultivate authentic learning and amplify curiosity in meaningful ways?
- What does it mean to expand a culture of belonging and continue to embrace the global community that makes us unique?
- What does it look like to actively and responsibly steward our beautiful campus?
- What are the organizational structures the school will need to live boldly while remaining nimble?
Our students, faculty, families, alumni and Board of Trustees all offered exciting ideas through work sessions, focus groups and surveys. The Board’s Strategic Thinking Committee then synthesized contributions into a series of priorities and initiatives that span near-, mid- and long-term horizons. Below are the graphics for these priorities across the horizons.
If you’d like to read more details of our plan, please click here.
Stay current with the plan through our news and updates.
Then, check out the video section below to gain further insight into the overall plan. This will be a living page with new videos being posted to bring our work on the initiatives to life.
Summer 2024 Strategic Plan Update
The Strategic Thinking Committee has continued to oversee the school’s dynamic strategic plan. As we wrap up the school year, we hope you will look at the visual of the garden in bloom, highlighting the growth and progress made over the last two years!
You can click into each section of the plan (different flowers in the garden) to learn more about the specific milestones met across the four pillars: people, program, place and foundation.
Summer 2023 Update - DEIJ and Climate Action Planning
This spring has continued to be full of exciting movement towards our strategic initiatives. Our DEIJ Committee has continued work drafting a DEIJ Plan and our Climate Action Plan has taken flight!
Click Read Now on the images below to learn about our progress.
Climate Action Plan Update
DEIJ Plan Update
2022-2023 Mid-Year Update
This fall we launched our new Strategic Plan and held some community meetings to share the initiatives ahead for TLS. We promised then to circle back mid-year to share progress.
As a reminder, the initiatives within Horizon 1 “Living Our Commitments” sit across four pillars: Program, People, Place and Foundation. We invite you to take a deeper look at ongoing initiatives in these areas and their results. Click Read Now on the image below to learn about our progress.
PLACE - Student Engagement and Community Partnerships
TLS Land Acknowledgement - Spring 2023
PLACE - Nurture Environmental Responsibility and Relationship
Jessie and Ginger discuss TLS approach to land stewardship.
PROGRAM - Deepen and Advance Authentic Learning
Taira explains how she is bringing her professional development around writing into the classroom.
TLS Trustees Introduce the Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Information Session - October 2022
This year, a group of students on our TLS Green Team have worked hard to honor our commitment to stewardship, land, and community by drafting our very first land acknowledgement.
This fall we launched our new Strategic Plan and held some community meetings to share the initiatives ahead for TLS. We promised then to circle back mid-year to share progress.
Our strategic plan invites us to enhance community events for meaningful connection...
People are a central pillar of our strategic plan. Promoting a culture of connection is at the center of this work...
One of this year’s Strategic Plan initiatives is to communicate the depth of our curricular continuity and illuminate student learning...
We are so excited to share the latest TLS Strategic Plan with you. Over the last 18 months, the entire TLS community came together to provide input and think critically about a bold and innovative future for TLS; one that both embraces our child-focused mission and sets TLS up for a long-term, sustainable future. We are building on the success of our previous Strategic Plan, which has given us a revitalized campus, a vibrant and diverse community and a re-energized approach to progressive education grounded in authentic learning...
We wanted to update you about our strategic planning process. Throughout the fall, over 200 voices in TLS’ community contributed to strategic planning through surveys, focus groups and interviews. As we analyzed and synthesized information from these conversations, three central themes have emerged...